2017年毕业于香港中文大学教育学院,2018年1月正式加入广东财经大学,2021年9年加入广东财经大学人力资源学院。长期关注在家庭、社区、学校和企业中的可持续发展行为,包括环保行为、绿色消费行为、人与动物的关系等。目前为中国社会心理学会生态和环境心理学委员会委员、中国心理学会心理学科普委员会营地心理学组成员、山东大学动物保护研究中心特聘研究员。SSCI 杂志 Consciousness and Cognition, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Personality and Individual Difference 审稿人。在 SSCI 杂志发表论文 8 篇,曾获得香港中文大学研究生研究成果奖、美国 Psychonomic 协会国际会议研究生住宿奖。
2006-09 至 2010-07 湖北大学教育学院心理学系,获理学学士学位、文学学士第二学位
2010-09 至 2013-07 北京师范大学心理学院应用心理学专业,获教育学硕士学位
2013-09 至 2017-08 香港中文大学教育学院教育心理学系,获哲学博士学位Ph.D.
2015-11 至 2016-04 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学心理学系访问学者
2017-09 至 2018-05 美国丹佛大学人与动物关系研究所认证仁爱教育导师
2018-01 至 2021-09 广东财经大学人文与传播学院专任教师
2021-09 至 今 广东财经大学人力资源学院专任教师
2022-01 至 今 山东大学动物保护研究中心特聘研究员
1. Gu, X., Bexell, S. M., & Wang, B. (2022). Attitudes toward non-human animals during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in China. Anthrozoös, 35(2), 219-235. [Corresponding author; SSCI]
2. 顾璇,黄碧钰,吴建平.(2022). 家长对自然活动的态度与儿童环保行为:儿童接触自然和自然联结的链式中介效应. 中国健康心理学杂志. 30(1), 80-85.
3. Tse, C.-S., Gu, X., Zeng, T., & Chan, Y. L. (2020). Construal-level priming does not modulate memory performance in Deese-Roediger/McDermott paradigm. Memory, 28(9), 1136-1156. [SSCI]
4. 王博, 顾璇, 王沙. (2020). 青少年自然缺失量表的编制. 心理技术与应用, 8(9), 559-568.
5. 顾璇, 王博, 黄碧钰. (2020). 儿童活动空间的去自然化及自然环境的教育价值. 南京林业大学学报(人文社科版), 1, 79-88.
6. Gu, X., Tse, C. S., & Brown, N. R. (2020). Factors that modulate the intergenerational transmission of autobiographical memory from older to younger generations. Memory, 28(2), 204-215. [Corresponding author; SSCI]
7. Gu, X., Tse, C.-S., & Chan, M. H.-M. (2020). Are older adults in Hong Kong “living in history” in their autobiographical memories? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34(1), 157-167. [Corresponding author; SSCI]
8. Gu, X., & Tse, C.-S. (2018). Abstractness and desirableness within human values system: Self-transcendence values are construed more abstractly but felt more closely than are selfenhancement values. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 21(4), 282-294. [Corresponding author; SSCI]
9. 顾璇, 王博. (2018). 人类基本价值观: 理论、应用及研究进展. 心理技术与应用, 6(7), 58-68.
10. Gu, X., Tse, C.-S., & Brown, N. R. (2017). The effects of collective and personal transitions on the organization and contents of autobiographical memory in older Chinese adults. Memory & Cognition, 45, 1335-1349. [Corresponding author; SSCI]
11. Gu, X., & Tse, C.-S. (2016). Narrative perspective shift at retrieval: The psychologicaldistance-mediated-effect on emotional intensity of positive and negative autobiographical memory. Consciousness and Cognition, 45, 159-173. [Corresponding author; SSCI]
12. Chan, Y. L., Gu, X., Ng, J. C.-K., & Tse, C.-S. (2016). Effects of dilemma type, language, and emotion arousal on utilitarian vs. deontological choice to moral dilemmas in ChineseEnglish bilinguals. Asian Journal of Social Psychology—Special Issue on Moral Emotion, 19,
55-65. [SSCI]
13. Li, H., Jin, S., & Gu, X. (2013). The application of functional neuroimaging in the study of
adolescents with internet addiction. Chinese Journal of Special Education, 161, 75-80. [中文 In Chinese; CSSCI]
14. Gu, X., Jin, S., Li, H., & Wu, S. (2012). Adolescence’s online self-presentation. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 20, 262-266. [中文 In Chinese; CSSCI]
15. Sun, J., Gu, X., Wu, S., Wang, X., & Jin, S. (2012). The psychological mechanism of moral hypocrisy: Explanations based on dual-process theory. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 20, 580-584. [中文 In Chinese; CSSCI]
1. Gu, X., Xie, L., & Bexell, S. M. (2022, July). The link between attitudes toward animals and empathy with humans: The mediating role of empathy with animals. 31st International Society for Anthrozoology Conference, Boise, Idaho, US. [recorded presentation]
2. Huang, B., Gu, X., & Zhu, N. (2022, July). The effect of childhood socioeconomic status on adult’s contact with companion animals: The mediation role of behavioral life-history profile.31st International Society for Anthrozoology Conference, Boise, Idaho, US. [recorded presentation]
3. Wang, B. & Gu, X. (2019, June). Evaluation of the effectiveness of an environmental ethics course at elementary school. Oral presentation at 25th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, Nanjing, China.
4. Gu, X. & Wang, B. (2019, June). Practices of humane education for sustainable development of people, animals, and the environment in China. Poster presentation at 25thInternational Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, Nanjing, China.
5. Gu, X., Tse, C.-S, & Chan, M. H. (2019, May). The contents and organization of autobiographical memories across the lifespan in older Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Poster
presentation at the 2nd Sino-US Forum of Psychological Aging, Sino-US FPA, Tianjin, China.
6. Gu, X., & Tse, C.-S. (2016, July). Close in my perspective and far in others’: The effect of perspective change on the psychological distance and emotional intensity of autobiographical memory. Poster presentation at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yohokaha, Japan.
7. Chan, Y. L., Gu, X., Ng, J. C.-K., & Tse, C.-S. (2016, July). Effects of dilemma type, language, and emotion arousal on utilitarian vs. deontological choice to moral dilemmas in Chinese-English bilinguals. Poster presentation at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yohokaha, Japan.
8. Gu, X., Tse, C.-S., Brown, N. (2016, May). Living in history and culture in Beijing: How public events, personal transitions, and culture affect the organization of autobiographical memory in Chinese older adults. Poster presentation at the International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Granada,Spain.
9. Gu, X., Brown, N., & Tse, C.-S. (2016, March). Living in history and culture: How collective and personal transitions impact the organization of autobiographical memory in Chinese older adults. Oral presentation at the 30th Annual Joseph R. Royce Research Conference, Edmonton, Canada
10. Wang, B., Gu, X. & Li, R. (2015, June). Redemption sequences in the life stories of Chinese migrant workers. Presentation at the 4th Cross-strait Academic Seminar in Life Narrative and Psychobiography, Kunming, China. [In Chinese]
11. Gu, X., & Tse, C.-S. (2014, November). Narrating as an observer: The effect of first- vs. third-person perspective on autobiographical memory in a non-clinical population. Poster presentation at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, US.
12. Gu, X., & Jin, S. (2012, November). Adolescence’s online self-presentation and its characteristics: A preliminary research by virtual ethnography. Oral presentation at the 15thChinese Academic Conference of Psychology, Guangzhou, China. [In Chinese]
1. 教育部人文社会科学规划基金 2021 年青年课题,新冠肺炎疫情对空巢老年人精神健康的影响及社会工作干预研究(#21YJC840019),参与者,在研。
2. 广州市哲学社会科学发展“十四五”规划 2021 年度课题,接触自然对中小学生身心健康及环境友好行为的影响研究(#2021GZGJ185),第一参与者,在研。
3. 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划 2020 年度学科共建项目,广东中小学教师工作意义感建构及提升的干预路径研究(# GD20XJY44),第一参与者,在研。
4. 香港政府研究资助局一般研究基金,The effects of construal level and psychological distance at retrieval on reducing the perceived emotional intensity of negative autobiographical memory and boosting psychological well-being in young adults(#14611420),第一参与者,在研。
5. 上海真爱梦想公益基金会年度研究课题。通过动物辅助的仁爱教育营造友善校园(# 2019CCTTA02),第一参与者,结项。
6. 上海真爱梦想公益基金会年度研究课题,从捆绑到自由——自然空间帮助儿童找回迷失的精神家园(#2018CCTTB03),主持人,结项。
7. 香港中文大学直接科研基金,Living in history and culture in Hong Kong and Beijing: How public events, life transitions, and cultural life scripts affect the organization and contents of autobiographical memory(#4058028),第一参与者,结项。
2022 年 「壹贰叁」青年学者(中国社会企业与影响力投资论坛研究项目、益桥公益伙伴项目)
2021 年 广东财经大学人力资源学院年度考核优秀
2019 年 广东财经大学人文与传播学院教学参与奖
2018 年 广东财经大学人文与传播学院优秀课例奖
2018 年 广东财经大学本科生优秀学业导师
2018 年 香港中文大学研究生研究成果奖 2017 年度
2016 年 Psychonomic 协会国际会议研究生住宿奖
2015 年 香港中文大学全球卓越研究奖学金